Browsing Through the Historical Tours of the Eye Hospital Sydney

08 Feb 2012

The Eye Hospital Sydney conducts guided tours on the historical places of the Sydney Hospital during weekdays for approximately one hour every tour. Historical tours cost $10 per person, museum tours cost $6 person, and combine historical and museum tours cost $14 per person. Funds collected on these tours will be used to buy medical facilities for the use of the patients and for the maintenance of the museums.

Tourists will be able to learn the historical value and historical events of the Sydney Hospital, the pioneer hospital of Australia. In the historical tours, the tourists will be able to visit Macquarie Street building, the Nightingale Wing and the Clinical Services Building. The tourists will also be able to see the St. Luke Chapel, the Il Porcellino sculpture at the entrance of the hospital and The Robert Brough Memorial Fountain. The tour will begin at the magnificent Hospital Boardroom.

The museum tours, the tourist will be to walk back and experience the life in Sydney Hospital from the 18th century onwards through the historical artefacts and photographs displayed in the Nightingale Foundation Museum.

Booking a tour is much recommended to organize and plan well your visit in the Sydney Hospital. For more information about booking a tour, call the Sydney Hospital and arrange with them your desired time to tour.