Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation has funded a new wayfinding solution through BindiMaps, an indoor audio-based navigation app that uses common sense language to guide patients and visitors within the grounds.
The case for funding
Hospitals can be difficult to navigate at the best of times but throw in being ill or visually impaired and it is hardly surprising people feel daunted when they come for treatment or just to visit.
A wayfinding solution was needed to provide assistance to patients and guests, especially supporting those with vision impairment when inside the hospital’s buildings.
Donor impact
At Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital all three floors of the main Clinical Services Building and outlying buildings have been mapped including the Emergency Department, Eye and Hand Clinics, surgical wards, COVID-19 testing clinic, Pharmacy and other services onsite including Breast Screen NSW and Pathology Collection Centre.
BindiMaps uses an audio system to describe where users are, what’s around them and the best way to get to their chosen destination.
Download BindiMaps on Apple App Store or Google Play.
“We are thrilled to offer BindiMaps to complement our signage and to improve way finding for all patients and visitors to Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital. We are grateful to the Foundation for supporting this initiative enabling patients and guests to find their destination more readily.” - Jennie Barry, General Manager, Prince of Wales and Sydney / Sydney Eye Hospital.