Have your say about changes to the Sydney Eye Hospital Outpatient Department

19 Aug 2020

SESLHD staff and members of the community are being called on to help improve the Eye Outpatient Department at Sydney Eye Hospital. In partnership with the Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation, SESLHD is funding a development of the department in 2020-2021.

Dr Pauline Rumma, Director of Clinical Service, Sydney/Sydney Eye Hospital, said the new fit-for-purpose unit will improve patient and staff satisfaction of the service.

“The redevelopment will provide a new consult and treating room, procedure room and waiting room.

“The aim is to deliver increased space to better meet future demand for eye outpatient service. We also want to enable the implementation of improved models of care and technologies and to improve patient flow,” Pauline said.

Linda Fagan, Chief Executive Officer, Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation Limited, said it was critical the community – including staff who work at the hospital or across the District – play a key role in the redevelopment planning phase.

“We want to hear from those who use our services and their carers, as well as staff who have an understanding of how a healthcare facility is run, to ensure the redevelopment meets the needs of the community as best as possible.

“Community consultation will help us to improve the patient’s entire journey through the department – including waiting times and overall satisfaction for the care they receive.”

NSW Government
Sydney Eye Hospital Foundation

Pictured: Architectural drawings of the proposed redevelopment.

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